The word: Shot

Just as the leaves were turning crispy and red, I found myself in a parking lot with a dead gray car. I met Terry because he was the kind person who volunteered to give it a jump start. He gave me a surprising word that was really fun to play with. 

The Stranger: Terry

The Word: Shot

The poem I wrote:

Once upon a time
alive or dead
in a bright
or darkened room
the last shot
and all questions
on the floor.
Subject shoots.
Object falls
(…not done
upon but doing)
Our labor is
what we know
(…everything else is
our fear)
Moon shot
Flu shot
Whiskey shot
Sling shot
No shot
(and a shot
of you
a hand
in the dining
Each new day
builds pressure.
Each man once
out of her
(Once upon a time
Alive or dead
in a bright
or darkened room)

The Challenge: Do you have a poem in you on this word? Write one here.

3 comments on “The word: Shot

  1. November 22

    My icy eaves
    drip to fat cedar after sunrise.

    I imagine I can
slip the drips,
    step through dry,

    like the young Kennedy couple in Dallas.

    Perfect timing
    is all it takes to be a god
    stepping through drips
in fine certainty,

    …until an icy scalp slap
    runs like thin blood down my face.
    I hear … again, too late,

    the shots, shrieks,

    sirens screaming

    over a mortally wounded vision,
    somehow still breathing
    in memory.

  2. Martin Mayland of Cedar Creek

    November 18, 2019 at 12:31 pm Reply

    Scatter Shot

    Whether, it’s a shot in the dark
    Or just giving it a shot,
    A nightingale or a lark,
    Aim for what is not.
    It’s a shot in the arm,
    Perhaps, inoculation
    From disease or realities
    Of contagion or sensation.
    Sure, it’s worth a shot,
    Even if it’s long,
    But if you’re risk averse,
    You may do yourself some wrong.
    So, no, it’s not a sure shot.
    That’s why we like it scattered.
    Double ought or buck
    Will hit something if it matters.
    You might try a bank shot,
    One done by misdirecting.
    What can be achieved
    After time spent in reflecting?
    Sometimes, it is worthwhile
    To go shooting for the moon.
    Exceed all expectations
    Or go directly to your doom.
    He really shot his mouth off
    After draining his shot glass
    He shot himself in the foot
    By behaving like an …
    Going for that second shot?
    Do you really need that boost?
    More can have its benefits
    Or harm that may be loosed.
    Many things, given time,
    Lose all of their potential.
    We find that they are shot.
    It’s probability, eventual.

  3. Fall Leaves

    Leaves swirling from tires
    Like shot from a 12-gauge gun
    Skip down the pavement

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