The word: Awesome

This is my final poem from a stranger met at the Bown Crossing Library. Poetry for Strangers will continue, after a short break, in the new year. XO and happy holidays to you all, wonderful readers!
Just at library closing time, several people came up to say hello. One was Nataraj, who looked interested in my poetry project at the typewriter. He said with excitement, “I used to write poems in college.”

The Stranger: Nataraj

The Word: Awesome

The poem I wrote:

“I love that idea so I believe that it’s true.” – T.K.
Still I can’t understand the list of things
that I can’t understand. Any ritual, done
to the body with love, becomes a form
of good or should. And who can say it
isn’t awesome or something close
when science lifts from our customs
a vein of truth—for survival is a language
honed over centuries to keep itself alive.

The Challenge: Do you have a poem in you on this word? Write one here.

3 comments on “The word: Awesome

  1. Guilty Pleasure

    The bachelor for the show has finally been found!
    Twenty-five eager young women his way are bound.
    On the first night they all meet;
    with a kiss, each one he greets.
    After all twenty-five introductions are done,
    the handsome bachelor begins to have fun.
    They talk. They drink.
    They smile. They wink.
    Conversation vignettes are scripted and edited in
    with girls whose names are Tiffany and Brandilynn.
    Words repeated such as amazing and awesome
    are swiftly planted, fertilized, and blossom.
    For the next ten weeks from eight until ten
    I am glued to my TV, waiting for someone to “win.”

  2. Martin Mayland of Cedar Creek

    January 5, 2019 at 10:01 am Reply

    Awfully Awesome

    My karma killed your dogma.
    It was quite catastrophic.
    Please, keep your ma on a leash
    Or, at least, well out of traffic.
    I want to go to Katmandu.
    They say it’s awfully awesome.
    I want to see what cat men do
    When they’re not at playing possum.
    They say that there’s a mendicant
    Who beggars our belief.
    He does what men don’t, won’t and can’t
    While begging for relief.
    And so that begs the question-
    Why must he be mendacious?
    The wide gaps in his stories…
    We suss as so sus-spacious.
    All of us feeling wanting.
    I suppose that is our wont.
    We are lackeys lacking,
    Unable to avaunt.
    Your dogma chased my karma,
    While barking, down the street
    Until it was caught up with me
    But still felt incomplete.
    You know it is as they say-
    Dogma is a bitch
    Frantically scratching irritations
    But not relieve itch.

  3. Martin Mayland of Cedar Creek

    January 5, 2019 at 12:57 pm Reply

    Also Awfully Awesome

    To be “filled with awe” does not conflate to “awful.”
    Don’t you think that’s awfully odd?
    Linguistic rules aren’t always lawful.
    English is perverse and often awfully flawed.

    “Somewhat in awe” falls quite short of “awesome.”
    In this day, “awesome” is transcendent.
    While “fullness” plays its role as possum,
    “Some” is unsurpassed, unrivaled, and resplendent.

    I would be thoroughly confused
    If English were my second tongue.
    Our argot seems much abused.
    Meaning is mangled as our words are wrung.

    How did being “full” of “awe”
    Come to be as it is thus?
    As the words leave from my maw
    They’ve joined to mean the odious.

    Go figure that the “sum” of “awe”
    Adds to that much more.
    Suffixing “some” breaks language law,
    Broken now from heretofore.

    And so, it’s awfully awesome.
    It’s totally terrific.
    That I find it noisome
    That appends are less specific.

    Were I were a King,
    By decree I might repair
    Words and rules by banishing
    Those I find unfitting and unfair.

Write your Poem